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Buscar por Autor Sánchez-Sanz, Mario

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 4 de 4
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
23-jun-2017Effects of stoichiometry on premixed flames propagating in narrow channels: symmetry-breaking bifurcationsFernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Jiménez, Carmen; Sánchez-Sanz, Mario; Kurdyumov, Vadim N.
2021Flame initiation near a cold isothermal wall: ignition by an instantaneous thermal dipoleKurdyumov, Vadim; Jiménez, Carmen; Sánchez-Sanz, Mario
2023Flame propagation in narrow horizontal channels: impact of the gravity field on the flame shapeDejoan, Anne; Jiménez, Carmen; Martínez-Ruiz, Daniel; Muntean, Víctor; Sánchez-Sanz, Mario; Kurdyumov, Vadim
10-jul-2019The role of conductive heat losses on the formation of isolated flame cells in Hele-Shaw chambersMartínez-Ruiz, Daniel; Veiga-López, Fernando; Fernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Kurdyumov, Vadim N.; Sánchez-Sanz, Mario
Mostrando resultados 1 a 4 de 4


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