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Buscar por Materia African dust outbreaks

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
19-abr-2022Increasing atmospheric dust transport towards the western Mediterranean over 1948-2020Salvador, Pedro; Pey, Jorge; Perez, Noemí; Querol, Xavier; Artíñano, Begoña
15-sep-2019Synergistic effect of the occurrence of African dust outbreaks on atmospheric pollutant levels in the Madrid metropolitan areaSalvador, Pedro; Molero, Francisco; Fernández, Alfonso J.; Tobías, Aurelio; Pandolfi, Marco; Gómez-Moreno, Francisco J.; Barreiro, Marcos; Pérez, Noemí; Martínez Marco, Isabel; Revuelta, María A.; Querol, Xavier; Artíñano, Begoña
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