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27-abr-2010197Au(n,γ) cross section in the resonance regionMassimi, C.; n_TOF Collaboration
1-ago-200248V: An experimental and theoretical paradigm in the middle of the 1f7/2 shellBrandolini, F.; Marginean, N.; Hankonen, S.; Medina, N.H.; Ribas, R.V.; Sanchez-Solano, J.; Lenzi, S.M.; Lunardi, S.; Napoli, D.R.; Poves, A.; Ur, C.A.; Bazzacco, D.; de Angelis, G.; De Poli, M.; Farnea, E.; Gadea, A.; Martinez, T.; Rossi-Alvarez, C.
jul-2015A clay permeable reactive barrier to remove Cs-137 from groundwater: Column experimentsDe Pourcq, Katrine; Ayora, Carlos; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Missana, Tiziana; Carrera, Jesús
2020A Combined Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations and AB Initio Calculations Approach to Study A-SI:H/C-SI InterfacesBuonocore, F. et al.
28-feb-2007A combined solar photocatalytic-biological field system for the mineralization of an industrial pollutant at pilot scaleOller, Isabel; Malato, Sixto; Sanchez-Pérez, Jose A.; Gernjak, Wolfgang; Maldonado-Rubio, Manuel I.; Pérez-Estrada, Leonidas A.; Pulgarín, César
21-feb-2013A detector insert based on continuous scintillators for hybrid MR-PET imaging of the human brainRato Mendes, P.; Cuerdo, R.; Sarasola, I.; García de Acilu, P.; Navarrete, J.; Vela, O.; Oller, J.C.; Cela, J.M.; Núñez, L.; Pastrana, M.; Romero, L.; Willmott, C.
8-sep-2024A geospatial clustering algorithm and its integration into a techno-economic rural electrification planning modelTorres Pérez, Mirelys; Domínguez, Javier; Arribas, Luis; Amador, Julio; Ciller, Pedro; González-García, Andrés
11-dic-2023A kinetic model for the thermoluminescent high dose response of LiF:Mg, Cu,P (MCP-N)BENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; GOMEZ ROS, JOSE MARIA; CORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO
26-feb-2021A large in situ demonstration test for repository sealing in an argillaceous host rock – phase II. RESEAL II. Final report on laboratory tests (WP1).Villar, María Victoria; Imbert, C.; Billaud, P.; Touzé, G.; García-Gutiérrez, M.; Mingarro, Miguel Ángel; Van Geet, M.; Maes, N.; Aertsens, M.; Volckaert, G.
2020A linear equation based on signal increments to predict disruptive behaviours and the time to disruption on JETVega, Jesús; Murari, Andrea; Dormido-Canto, Sebastián; Hernández, Francisco; Cruz, Tomás; Gadariya, Dhaval; Rattá, Giuseppe A.
18-may-2020A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear acceleratorDecking, Winfried; Abramian, Pablo; Calero, Jesus; Garcia-Tabares, Luis; Gutierrez, Jose Luis; Martinez, Teresa; Munilla, Javier; Toral, Fernando; Vazquez-Velez, Cristina; et al.
2-may-2021A NEA review on innovative structural materials solutions, including advanced manufacturing processes for nuclear applications based on technology readiness assessmentBalbaud, F.; Cabet, C.; Cornet, S.; Dai, Y.; Hernández-Mayoral, M.; Hernandez Pascual, R.; Jianu, A.; Malerba, L.; Maloy, S.A.; Marrow, S.; Ohtsuka, S.; Okubo, N.; Pouchon, M.A.; Puype, A.; Stergar, E.; Serrano, M.; Weisenburger, A.
2021A Novel Cloud-Based Framework For Standardized Simulations In The Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO)Rubio-Montero, A.J.; Pagán-Muñoz, R.; Mayo-García, R.; Pardo-Díaz, A.; Sidelnik, I.; Asorey, H.
12-feb-2024A Novel Ground Fault Detection Method for 2020 Electric Vehicle Powertrains Based on a Grounding Resistor Voltage AnalysisGuerrero, J.M.; Navarro, Gustavo; Platero, Carlos A.; Tian, P.; Blázquez, Francisco
13-feb-2024A novel proposal of PTO direct-drive linear generator, an Azimuthal Multi-translator Switched Reluctance Machine (AMSRM)Lafoz, Marcos; Blanco, Marcos; Navarro, Gustavo; Nájera, Jorge; García-Tabarés, Luis
10-jul-2019A one-step reduced mechanism for near-limit hydrogen combustion with general stoichiometryFernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Weiss, Adam; Sánchez, Antonio L.; Williams, Forman A.
1-feb-2024A possible mechanism for confinement power degradation in the TJ-II stellaratorvan Milligen, Boudewijn Ph.; Carreras, Benjamin; Hidalgo, Carlos; Cappa, Álvaro
ene-1999A role for phosphorylation in the dynamics of keratin intermediate filamentsParamio, Jesus M
2017A simple model to exploit reliable algorithms in cloud federationsRubio-Montero, Antonio J.; Rodríguez-Pascual, Manuel; Mayo-García, Rafael.
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