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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
jun-2023Structural analysis of the ex-port plug collective thomson scattering transmission lines for ITERE. Rincon, E. Blanco; M. Medrano, J. Imaz; Y. Villalobos, L. Maldonado; P. Varela, Y. Liu; V. Udintsev
may-2024Thermo-mechanical analysis of the components in the launcher transmission line of ITER ex-port plug collective Thomson scatteringEsther Rincon Rincon, Emilio Blanco; Mercedes Medrano, Juan Jose Imaz; Yago Villalobos, Laura Maldonado; Paulo Varela, Yong Liu; Victor Udintsev, Stefan Schmuck
Mostrando resultados 1 a 2 de 2


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