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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
mar-2014Detection of actinides and rare earths in natural matrices with the AGLAE new, high sensitivity detection set-upZucchiatti, Alessandro; Alonso, Ursula; Lemasson, Quentin; Missana, Tiziana; Moignard, Brice; Pacheco, Claire; Pichon, Laurent; Camarena de la Mora, Sandra
11-dic-2023Radiological characterization of a uranium glass collectible by gamma spectrometryEXPOSITO SUAREZ, VICTOR MANUEL; SUAREZ NAVARRO, JOSE ANTONIO; BENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; ARAGON GRABIEL, PAU; MORA CAÑADAS, JUAN CARLOS
Mostrando resultados 1 a 2 de 2


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