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Mostrando resultados 1 a 4 de 4
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
15-mar-2020Advanced direct method to quantify the kinetics of acetohydroxamic acid (AHA) by Raman spectroscopy.Sanchez-Garcia, Iván; Bonales, Laura; Galán, Hitos; Perlado, José Manuel; Cobos, Joaquín
may-2022Development of a gamma irradiation loop to evaluate the performance of a EURO-GANEX processSanchez-Garcia, Iván; Galán, Hitos; Núñez, Ana; Perlado, José Manuel; Cobos, Joaquín
dic-2020Development of experimental irradiation strategies to evaluate the robustness of TODGA and water-soluble BTP extraction systems for advanced nuclear fuel recyclingSanchez-Garcia, Iván; Galan, Hitos; Perlado, Jose Manuel; Cobos, Joaquín
jun-2021Radiolytic degradation of sulphonated BTP and acetohydroxamic acid under EURO-GANEX process conditionsSanchez-Garcia, Iván; Bonales, Laura; Galán, Hitos; Perlado, José Manuel; Cobos, Joaquín
Mostrando resultados 1 a 4 de 4


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