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21-jul-1999First test of tiltmeters for the alignment system of CMSBerdugo, J.; Burgos, C.; Fernandez, M.G.; Ferrando, A.; Josa, M.I.; Molinero, A.; Oller, J.C.; Salicio, J.M.; Arce, P.; Calvo, E.; Figueroa, C.F.; Garcia, N.; Rodrigo, T.; Vila, I.; Virto, A.L.
22-oct-1998First test of tiltmeters for the link system of CMSBerdugo, J.; Burgos, C.; Fernández, M.G.; Ferrando, A.; Josa, M.I.; Molinero, A.; Oller, J.C.; Salicio, J.M.; Arce, P.; Calvo, E.; Figueroa, C.F.; García, N.; Rodrigo, T.; Vila, I.; Virto, A.L.
11-abr-1999First test results of semitransparent amorphous silicon sensors for the link system of the CMS alignmentBerdugo, J.; Fernandez, M.G.; Ferrando, A.; Josa, M.I.; Molinero, A.; Oller, J.C.; Arce, P.; Calvo, E.; Figueroa, C.F.; Garcia, N.; Rodrigo, T.; Vila, I.
21-mar-2016Motion of CMS detector and mechanical structures during Magnet Cycles and Stability Periods from 2008 to 2013 as observed by the Link Alignment SystemArce, P.; Barcala, J.M.; Calvo, E.; Ferrando, A.; Josa, M.I.; Molinero, A.; Navarrete, J.; Oller, J.C.; et al.
7-jul-1998Test results of the semitransparent amorphous silicon sensors for the link system of CMSFernández, M.G.; Ferrando, A.; Josa, M.I.; Molinero, A.; Oller, J.C.; Figueroa, C.F.; García, N.; Rodrigo, T.; Vila, I.
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