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Buscar por Autor Casacuberta-Serra, Silvia

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1-feb-2024Intrinsic cell-penetrating activity propels Omomyc from proof of concept to viable anti-Myc therapyBeaulieu, Marie-Eve; Jauset, Toni; Massó-Vallés, Daniel; Martínez-Martín, Sandra; Rahl, Peter; Maltais, Loïka; Zacarias-Fluck, Mariano F.; Casacuberta-Serra, Silvia; Serrano del Pozo, Erika; Fiore, Christopher; Foradada, Laia; Castillo Cano, Virginia; Sánchez-Hervás, Maritxel; Guenther, Matthew; Romero Sanz, Eduardo; Oteo, Marta; Temblay, Cynthia; Martin, Génesis; Letourneau, Danny; Montagne, Martin; Morcillo Alonso, Miguel Ángel; Whitfield, Jonathan R.; Lavigne, Pierre; Soucek, Laura
feb-2014Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells are Generated during Retroviral Transduction of Murine Bone MarrowGomez, Alba; Espejo, Carmen; Eixarch, Herena; Casacuberta-Serra, Silvia; Mansilla, Maria Jose; Sanchez, Rebeca; Pereira, Sonia; Lopez-Estevez, Sergio; Gimeno, Ramon; Montalban, Xavier; Barquinero, Jordi
Mostrando resultados 1 a 2 de 2


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