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Buscar por Autor Dejoan, Anne

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 10 de 10
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
30-ago-2022A three-dimensional study of the influence of momentum loss on hydrodynamically unstable premixed flamesFernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Dejoan, Anne; Melguizo-Gavilanes, Josué; Kurdyumov, Vadim N.
2011Comparison of CFD and operational dispersion models in an urban-like environmentAntonioni, G.; Burkhart, S.; Burman, J.; Dejoan, Anne; Fusco, A.; R. Gaasbe, R.; Gjesdal, T.; Jäppinen, A.; Riikonen, K.; Morra, P.; Parmhed, O.; Santiago, J.L.
2019Critical conditions for non-symmetric flame propagation in narrow channels: influence of the flow rate, the thermal expansion, the Lewis number and heat-lossesDejoan, Anne; Jiménez, Carmen; Kurdyumov, Vadim
2011DNS experiments on the settling of heavy particles in homogeneous turbulence: two-way coupling and Reynolds number effectsDejoan, Anne
23-jul-2024Effect of confinement on the propagation patterns of lean hydrogen–air flamesDejoan, Anne; Zhou, Zhenghong; Fernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Ronney, Paul D.; Kurdyumov, Vadim N.
2023Flame propagation in narrow horizontal channels: impact of the gravity field on the flame shapeDejoan, Anne; Jiménez, Carmen; Martínez-Ruiz, Daniel; Muntean, Víctor; Sánchez-Sanz, Mario; Kurdyumov, Vadim
2013Preferential concentration and settling of heavy particles in homogeneous turbulenceDejoan, Anne; Monchaux, Romain
2017Settling velocity and preferential concentration of heavy particles under two-way coupling effects in homogeneous turbulenceMonchaux, Romain; Dejoan, Anne
2019Thermal expansion effect on the propagation of premixed flames in narrow channels of circular cross-section: Multiplicity of solutions, axisymmetry and non-axisymmetryDejoan, Anne; Kurdyumov, Vadim N.
2021Three-dimensional simulations of isobaric premixed flames freely propagating in narrow circular channels: breaking of symmetryDejoan, Anne; Kurdyumov, Vadim
Mostrando resultados 1 a 10 de 10


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