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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
9-mar-2012Bacteria and fungi inactivation using Fe3+/sunlight, H2O2/sunlight and near neutral photo-Fenton: a comparative study.García Fernández, Irene; Polo Lopez, Maria Inmaculada; Oller Alberola, Isabel; Fernandez Ibáñez, Pilar
10-sep-2011Elimination of water pathogens with solar radiation using an automated sequential batch CPC reactorPolo López, María Inmaculada; Fernández Ibáñez, Pilar; Ubomba Jaswa, Eunice; Navntoft, Christian; García Fernández, Irene; Dunlop, Patrick; Schmidt, Michael; Byrne, John; McGuigan, Kevin
7-nov-2011Mild solar photo-Fenton: An effective tool for the removal of Fusarium from simulated municipal effluentsPolo López, Maria Inmaculada; García Fernández, Irene; Velegraki, Theodora; Katsoni, A; Oller Alberola, Isabel; Mantzavinos, Dionissios; Fernández Ibáñez, Pilar
Mostrando resultados 1 a 3 de 3


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