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jul-2021Preclinical studies of efficacy thresholds and tolerability of a clinically ready lentiviral vector for pyruvate kinase deficiency treatmentNavarro, S; Quintana-Bustamante, O; Sanchez-Dominguez, R; Lopez-Manzaneda, S; Ojeda-Perez, I; Garcia-Torralba, A; Alberquilla, O; Law, K; Beard, BC; Bastone, A; Rothe, M; Villanueva, M; Ramirez, JC; Fañanas-Baquero, S; Nieto-Romero, V; Gutierrez, S; Nicoletti, E; García-Bravo, M; Bueren, JA; Schwartz, JD; Segovia, JC
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