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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
16-oct-2019Gene editing of PKLR gene in human hematopoietic progenitors through 5' and 3' UTR modified TALEN mRNAQuintana-Bustamante, O; Fañanas-Baquero, S; Orman, I; Torres, R; Duchateau, P; Poirot, L; Gouble, A; Bueren, JA; Segovia, JC
8-dic-2015Generation of a High Number of Healthy Erythroid Cells from Gene-Edited Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem CellsGarate, Z; Quintana-Bustamante, O; Crane, AM; Olivier, E; Poirot, L; Galetto, R; Kosinski, P; Hill, C; Kung, C; Agirre, X; Orman, I; Cerrato, L; Alberquilla, O; Rodriguez-Fornes, F; Fusiki, N; Garcia-Sanchez, F; Maia, TM; Ribeiro, ML; Sevilla, J; Prosper, F; Jin, S; Mountford, J; Guenechea, G; Gouble, A; Bueren, JA; Davis, BR; Segovia, JC
1-jun-2021Natural estrogens enhance the engraftment of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in immunodeficient miceFañanas-Baquero, S; Orman, I; Becerra Aparicio, F; Bermudez de Miguel, S; Garcia Merino, J; Yañez, R; Fernandez Sainz, Y; Sánchez, R; Dessy-Rodrígue, M; Alberquilla, O; Alfaro, D; Zapata, A; Bueren, JA; Segovia, JC; Quintana-Bustamante, O
Mostrando resultados 1 a 3 de 3


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