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Mostrando resultados 1 a 7 de 7
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1-feb-2023Commissioning and First Results of the OLMAT facilityTabares, F.L.; Oyarzabal, E.; Alegre, D.; Tafalla, D.; McCarthy, K.J.; de Castro, A.; Ascasíbar, E.; Soleto, A.; Fernandez-Berceruelo, I.; Carrasco, R.; Martin, F.; Sebastian, J.A.; Gomez-manchon, J.; Pereira, A.; de la Peña, A.
1-may-2023Comparative study of different Sn wetted W CPSs exposed to NBI fluxes in the OLMAT facilityOyarzabal, E.; Tabares, F.L.; Liniers, M.; Alegre, D.; Tafalla, D.; McCarthy, K.J.; de Castro, A.; Morgan, T.W.; Scholte, J.G.A.; Iafrati, M.; de la Cal, E.; Voldimer, I.; Ascasíbar, E.; Soleto, A.; OLMAT team
1-dic-2020Design and Testing of Advanced Liquid Metal Targets for DEMO Divertor: The OLMAT ProjectAlegre, D.; Oyarzabal, E.; Tafalla, D.; Liniers, M.; Soleto, A.; Tabares, F.L.
13-dic-2022Physics and technology research for liquid metal divertor development at the OLMAT high heat flux facilityde Castro, A.; Oyarzabal, E.; Tafalla, D.; Alegre, D.; McCarthy, K.J.; Gonzalez, M.; Iafrati, M.; Scholte, J.G.A.; Morgan, T.W.; Tabares, F.L.; OLMAT team
4-sep-2023Physics and Technology Research for Liquid-Metal Divertor Development, Focused on a Tin-Capillary Porous System Solution, at the OLMAT High Heat-Flux Facilityde Castro, A.; Oyarzabal, E.; Alegre, D.; Tafalla, D.; Gonzalez, M.; McCarthy, K.J.; Scholte, J.G.A.; Morgan, T.W.; Tabares, F.L.; OLMAT team
30-oct-2023Plasma characterization of tin-enriched clouds generated during the exposure of a Liquid-Tin Capillary Porous System target at the OLMAT High Heat Flux facilityde Castro, A.; Oyarzabal, E.; McCarthy, K.J.; Tafalla, D.; Alegre, D.; Iafrati, M.; Voldiner, I.; Tabares, F.L.; OLMAT team
may-2023raw data of Comparative study of different Sn wetted W CPSs exposed to NBI fluxes in the OLMAT facilityOyarzabal, E.
Mostrando resultados 1 a 7 de 7


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