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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
18-ene-2025Gamma Radiation Effect on UO2—Set-Up Flow-Through Dissolution ExperimentsRodríguez-Villagra, Nieves; Bonales, L.J.; Durán, S.; Serrano, L.; Cobo, Jose; Gutierrez, L.; Cobos, Joaquín; Galán, Hitos
17-ene-2025Innovación en tecnología de fabricación nuclear. Innovation Of Nuclear MAnufacturing Technology (IONMAT).Rodríguez Villagra, Nieves; Fernández, Sergio; Nuñez, Ana; Elorrieta, Jone M.; Milena-Pérez, A.; Bonales, L.J.; Gutiérrez, L.; Serrano, L.; Durán, S.; Anta, L.; Galán, H.
17-ene-2025PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Cr-DOPED UO2 AS AN ATF SURROGATE BY DRY POWDER METHOD (IONMAT PROJECT. SUBTASK 2.1)Rodríguez-Villagra, Nieves; Milena-Pérez, Abel; Fernández-Carretero, Sergio; Bonales, L.J; Gutierrez, L.; Nuñez, Ana; Serrano, L.; Duran, S.; Cobos, J.; Galán, Hitos
18-ene-2025Surface Sites Characterization of UO2—A Comparison Between Caesium Sorption and Potentiometric TitrationRodríguez-Villagra, Nieves; Alonso, Úrsula; Durán, S.; Serrano, L.; Cobos, J.; Galán, Hitos
Mostrando resultados 1 a 4 de 4


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