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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
18-feb-2021Alternatives for upgrading the EU DCLL breeding blanket from MMS to SMSFernández-Berceruelo, Iván; Palermo, Iole; Urgorri, Fernando R.; García, Ángela; Rapisarda, David; Moya, Luis; Rueda, Fernando; Alonso, David; Ibarra, Ángel
11-jul-2018Magnetohydrodynamic and thermal analysis of PbLi flows in poloidal channels with flow channel insert for the EU-DCLL blanketUrgorri, Fernando R.; Smolentsev, Sergey; Fernández-Berceruelo, Iván; Ra, David; Palermo, Iole; Ibarra, Ángel
26-ago-2021The influence of MHD boundary layers on tritium permeation in PbLi flows for fusion breeding blanketsUrgorri, Fernando R.; Moreno, Carlos; Fernández-Berceruelo, Iván; Rapisarda, David
Mostrando resultados 1 a 3 de 3


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