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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
14-oct-2022Application of the Holomorphic Tauc-Lorentz-Urbach Function to Extract the Constants of Amorphous Semiconductor Thin FilmsBallester, M.; García, M.; Márquez, A.P.; Blanco, E.; Fernández, S.; Minkov, D.; Kattsaggelos, A.K.; Cossairt, O.; Willomitzer, F.; Márquez, E.
6-may-2023Complex dielectric function of H-free a-Si films: Photovoltaic light absorberMárquez, E.; Ballester, M.; García, M.; Cintado, M.; Márquez, A.P.; Ruiz, J.J.; Fernández, S.M.; Blanco, E.; Willomitzer, F.; Katsaggelos, A.K.
6-jul-2022Energy-band-structure calculation by below-band-gap spectrophotometry in thin layers of non-crystalline semiconductors: A case study of unhydrogenated 𝑎-SiBallester, M.; Márquez, A.P.; García-Vázquez, C.; Díaz, J.M.; Blanco, E.; Minkov, D.; Fernández-Ruano, S.M.; Willomitzer, F.; Cossairt, O.; Márquez, E.
Mostrando resultados 1 a 3 de 3


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