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Mostrando resultados 1 a 6 de 6
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1-feb-2024A possible mechanism for confinement power degradation in the TJ-II stellaratorvan Milligen, Boudewijn Ph.; Carreras, Benjamin; Hidalgo, Carlos; Cappa, Álvaro
9-feb-2024Analysis of turbulence in fusion plasmasvan Milligen, Boudewijn Ph.; Sánchez, Raúl
1-feb-2024Radial variation of heat transport in L-mode JET dischargesvan Milligen, Boudewijn Ph.; Carreras, Benjamin; de la Luna, Elena; Solano, Emilia
1-feb-2024The impact of radial electric fields and plasma rotation on intermittence in TJ-IIvan Milligen, Boudewijn Ph.; Carreras, Benjamin; García, Luis; Grenfell, Gustavo; Voldiner, Igor; Hidalgo, Carlos
1-feb-2024The localization of low order rational surfaces based on the intermittence parameter in the TJ-II stellaratorvan Milligen, Boudewijn Ph.; Carreras, Benjamin; García, Luis; Hidalgo, Carlos
1-feb-2024Topology of 2-D turbulent structures based on intermittence in the TJ-II stellaratorvan Milligen, Boudewijn Ph.; Melnikov, A.; Carreras, Benjamin; García, Luis; Kozachek, A.; Hidalgo, Carlos; de Pablos, José L.; Khabanov, Ph.; Eliseev, L.; Drabinskij, M.; Chmyga, A.; Krupnik, L.
Mostrando resultados 1 a 6 de 6


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