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Buscar por Materia Air pollution

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 9 de 9
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
mar-2014La comunicación al público sobre contaminación atmosférica urbanaOltra, Christian; Sala, Roser
12-dic-2014Convenio de Ginebra y cargas críticas: un ejemplo de política ambiental basada en cienciaRábago Juan-Aracil, Isaura; Alonso del Amo, Rocío
28-ago-2024Estimating the probability of occurrence of African dust outbreaks over regions of the western Mediterranean basin from thermodynamic atmospheric parametersSalvador, Pedro; Pey, Jorge; Perez, Noemí; Alastuey, Andrés; Querol, Xavier; Artíñano, Begoña
2019From titania nanoparticles to decahedral anatase particles: Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 /zeolite hybrids for VOCs oxidationSuárez, S.; Jansson, I.; Ohtani, B.; Sánchez, B.
abr-2019Impact of air pollution on low birth weight in Spain: An approach to a National Level StudyArroyo, Virginia; Díaz, Julio; Salvador, Pedro; Linares, Cristina
6-ene-2021Increased tropospheric ozone levels enhance pathogen infection levels of amphibiansBosch, Jaime; Elvira, Susana; Sausor, Cristina; Bielby, Jon; González-Fernández, Ignacio; Alonso, Rocío; Bermejo-Bermejo, Victoria
15-abr-2021NOx depolluting performance of photocatalytic materials in an urban area – Part I: Monitoring ambient impactFernández-Pampillón, Jaime; Palacios, Magdalena; Núñez, Lourdes; Pujadas, Manuel; Sanchez, Beatriz; Santiago, José Luis; Martilli, Alberto
24-feb-2021Ozone uptake at night is more damaging to plants than equivalent day‑time fluxGoumenaki, Eleni; González-Fernández, Ignacio; Barnes, Jeremy D.
15-abr-2023Potential ambient NO2 abatement by applying photocatalytic materials in a Spanish city and analysis of short-term effect on human mortalityFernández-Pampillón, Jaime; Palacios, Magdalena; Núñez, Lourdes; Pujadas, Manuel; Artíñano, Begoña
Mostrando resultados 1 a 9 de 9


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