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Mostrando resultados 1 a 4 de 4
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1-oct-2014Multipactor suppression by micro-structured gold/silver coatings for space applicationsValentin, Nistor; González, Luis Antonio; Aguilera, Lydya; Montero, Isabel; Galán, Luis; Wochner, Ulrich; Raboso, David
1-feb-2014Secondary electron emission under electron bombardment from graphene nanoplateletsMontero, Isabel; Aguilera, Lydya; Dávila, Maria E; Nistor, Valentin; González, Luis A; Galán, Luis; Raboso, David; Ferrito, Rafael
20-sep-2016The effect of structural disorder on the secondary electron emission of graphiteGonzález, Luis A; Larciprete, Rosanna; Cimino, Roberto
3-nov-2017The secondary electron yield of noble metal surfacesGonzález, Luis A; Amgeluci, Marco; Larciprete, Rosanna; Cimino, Roberto
Mostrando resultados 1 a 4 de 4


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