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Mostrando resultados 1 a 5 de 5
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2021A Novel Cloud-Based Framework For Standardized Simulations In The Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO)Rubio-Montero, A.J.; Pagán-Muñoz, R.; Mayo-García, R.; Pardo-Díaz, A.; Sidelnik, I.; Asorey, H.
jun-2023ACORDE: A new application for estimating the dose absorbed by passengers and crews in commercial flightsAsorey, H.; Suárez-Durán, M.; Mayo-García, R.
2023Calculation of the High-Energy Neutron Flux for Anticipating Errors and Recovery Techniques in Exascale Supercomputer CentresAsorey, H.; Mayo-García, R.
2023Response of HPC hardware to neutron radiation at the dawn of exascaleBustos, A.; Rubio-Montero, A.J.; Méndez, R.; Rivera, S.; González, F.; Campo, X.; Asorey, H.; Mayo-García, R.
2020The EOSC-Synergy cloud services implementation for the Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO)Rubio-Montero, A.J.; Pagán-Muñoz, R.; Mayo-García, R.; Pardo-Díaz, A.; Sidelnik, I.; Asorey, H.
Mostrando resultados 1 a 5 de 5


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