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18-may-2020A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear acceleratorDecking, Winfried; Abramian, Pablo; Calero, Jesus; Garcia-Tabares, Luis; Gutierrez, Jose Luis; Martinez, Teresa; Munilla, Javier; Toral, Fernando; Vazquez-Velez, Cristina; et al.
24-oct-2013Experience on Series Production of the Superconducting Magnet Package for the Linear Accelerator of the European XFELMartinez, Teresa; Abramian, Pablo; Calero, Jesus; Garcia-Tabares, Luis; Rodriguez, Enrique; Sanchez, Laura; Toral, Fernando; Brueck, Heiner; Bandelmann, Ruediger; Iturbe, Rafael; Lopez, Borja; Gomez, Jose; Rodilla, Elena
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