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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
ene-2010An advanced disruption predictor for JET tested in a simulated real-time environmentRattá, G.A.; Murari, A; Vagliasindi, G; Johnson, M.F.; De Vries, PC; JET EFDA Contributors
abr-2008First applications of structural pattern recognition methods to the investigation of specific physical phenomena at JETRattá, G.A.; Vega, J.; Pereira, A.; Portas, A.; de la Luna, E.; Dormido-Canto, S.; Farias, G.; Dormido, R.; Sánchez, J.; Dura, N.; Vargas, H.; Santos, M.; Pajares, G.; Murari, A.; JET EFDA Contributors
may-2009Unbiased and non-supervised learning methods for disruption prediction at JETMurari, A.; Vega, J.; Rattá, G.A.; Vagliasindi, G.; Johnson, M.F.; Hong, S.H.; JET EFDA Contributors
Mostrando resultados 1 a 3 de 3


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