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Título : First applications of structural pattern recognition methods to the investigation of specific physical phenomena at JET
Autor : Rattá, G.A.
Vega, J.
Pereira, A.
Portas, A.
de la Luna, E.
Dormido-Canto, S.
Farias, G.
Dormido, R.
Sánchez, J.
Dura, N.
Vargas, H.
Santos, M.
Pajares, G.
Murari, A.
JET EFDA Contributors
Palabras clave : Pattern recognition
data minning
Fecha de publicación : abr-2008
Editorial : Elsevier
Citación : Rattá, G. A., et al. "First applications of structural pattern recognition methods to the investigation of specific physical phenomena at JET." Fusion Engineering and Design 83.2-3 (2008): 467-470.
Resumen : Structural pattern recognition techniques allow the identification of plasma behaviours. Physical properties are encoded in the morphological structure of signals. Intelligent access methods have been applied to JET databases to retrieve data according to physical criteria. On the one hand, the structural form of signals has been used to develop general purpose data retrieval systems to search for both similar entire waveforms and similar structural shapes inside waveforms. On the other hand, domain dependent knowledge was added to the structural information of signals to create particular data retrieval methods for specific physical phenomena. The inclusion of explicit knowledge assists in data analysis. The latter has been applied in JET to look for first, cut-offs in ECE heterodyne radiometer signals and, second, L-H transitions.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/4443
ISSN : 0920-3796
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos del Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión

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