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Título : Determination of the content of natural radionuclides in furnace slag used for the preparation of standard sources.
Autor : Pérez López, Begoña
Peyres, Virginia
Suarez-Navarro, J. Antonio
Navarro, Nuria
Fecha de publicación : 29-dic-2023
Resumen : We describe the measurement of the activity concentration of natural radionuclides in a slag material intended to be spiked with a standard solution of 226Ra. The final aim was to produce standard sources within a EURAMET-European Metrology Research Program research project (MetroMetal). High resolution gamma-ray spectrometry was performed in five laboratories from Romania and Spain. Results, given in activity concentration, were analyzed using three different modes for the calculation of the mean from individual values. Reference activity concentration values are presented.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2109
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tecnología

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