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Título : Dimensioning Methodology of Energy Storage Systems for Power Smoothing in a Wave Energy Conversion Plant Considering Efficiency Maps and Filtering Control Techniques
Autor : Torres, Jorge
Blanco, Marcos
Lafoz, Marcos
Navarro, Gustavo
Nájera, Jorge
Santos-Herran, Miguel
Palabras clave : energy storage
renewable energies
wave energy
Fecha de publicación : 23-ene-2024
Citación : MDPI - Energies;Volume: 13, Issue: 13, July 2020
Resumen : This paper aims at presenting and describing a dimensioning methodology for energy storage systems (ESS), in particular for one based on flywheels, applied for the specific application of reducing power oscillation in a wave energy conversion (WEC) plant. The dimensioning methodology takes into account the efficiency maps of the storage technology as well as the effect of the filtering control techniques. The methodology is applied to the case study of a WEC plant in operation in Spain, using real power generation profiles delivered into the electric grid. The paper firstly describes the calculation procedure of the efficiency maps for the particular technology of flywheels, although it could be extended to other storage technologies. Then, the influence of using future data values in the dimensioning process and the control of the ESS operation is analysed in depth. A moving average filter (MAF) is defined to compensate for power oscillations, studying the difference between considering prediction and not doing so. It is concluded that a filtering control using future values based on a number of samples equivalent to a 4-min time order provides an important reduction in the energy storage requirements for a power generation plant. Finally, and based on the selection of storage modules previously defined, the efficiency maps, and the MAF used for delivering the power into the grid, an optimal operation strategy is suggested for the storage modules, based on a stepped switching technique. The selection of four flywheel energy storage system (FESS) modules achieves a reduction of 50% in power oscillations, covering 85% of the frequency excursions at the grid.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2195
ISSN : 1996-1073
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tecnología

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