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Título : Improvements to the IntiGIS Model Related to the Clustering of Consumers for Rural Electrification.
Autor : Torres Pérez, Mirelys
Peña Abreu, Marieta
Domínguez Bravo, Javier
Palabras clave : Clustering Algorithm
Semisupervised Learning
Geospatial Analysis
Rural Electrification
Energy Access
Sustainable Development
Fecha de publicación : 20-dic-2023
Editorial : Springer, Cham.
Citación : Torres-Pérez, M., Peña Abreu, M., Domínguez, J. (2024). Improvements to the IntiGIS Model Related to the Clustering of Consumers for Rural Electrification. In: Hernández Heredia, Y., Milián Núñez, V., Ruiz Shulcloper, J. (eds) Progress in Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition. IWAIPR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14335. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-49552-6_23
Citación : Lecture Notes in Computer Science;14335
Resumen : Providing access to electricity in rural areas remains a challenge in many developing countries, where the lack of infrastructure, low population density, and high costs hinder the implementation of conventional electrification schemes. In this context, off grid solutions (microgrid and individual systems) have emerged as a promising solution, allowing the integration of local renewable energy resources and providing electricity to communities that are not connected to the main power grid. The IntiGIS model has been proposed as a tool to allow the evaluation and comparison of the various electrification technology options. However, some limitations and challenges have been identified in the original model, particularly related to the level of consumer aggregation and the distribution network layout. In this paper, we present improvements to the IntiGIS model related to the clustering of consumers for rural electrification, based on a modified agglomerative clustering algorithm and a set of performance metrics to form the clusters. We also present a comparison with the IntiGIS II version in a case study in Guamá, Santiago de Cuba to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed improvements. The results show that the modified IntiGIS model can generate clusters that meet the technical and economic requirements for microgrid and grid extensions systems, with better accuracy and efficiency than the original model. These improvements can contribute to the implementation of sustainable and reliable electricity access in rural areas, promoting social and economic development in these regions.
Descripción : International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition IWAIPR 2023: Progress in Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition pp 260–272
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2201
ISBN : 978-3-031-49552-6
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Energía

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