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Título : Neuroendocrine Lung Cancer Mouse Models: An Overview
Autor : Lorz, Corina
Oteo, Marta
Santos, Mirentxu
Palabras clave : mouse models
lung cancer
typical carcinoid
atypical carcinoid
large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer
small cell lung carcinoma
genetic landscape
molecular imaging
Fecha de publicación : 1-feb-2024
Resumen : Neuroendocrine lung tumors comprise a range of malignancies that extend from benign tumorlets to the most prevalent and aggressive Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC). They also include low-grade Typical Carcinoids (TC), intermediate-grade Atypical Carcinoids (AC) and highgrade Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (LCNEC). Optimal treatment options have not been adequately established: surgical resection when possible is the choice for AC and TC, and for SCLC chemotherapy and very recently, immune checkpoint inhibitors. Some mouse models have been generated based on the molecular alterations identified in genomic analyses of human tumors. With the exception of SCLC, there is a limited availability of (preclinical) models making their development an unmet need for the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these diseases. For SCLC, these models are crucial for translational research and novel drug testing, given the paucity of human material from surgery. The lack of early detection systems for lung cancer point them out as suitable frameworks for the identification of biomarkers at the initial stages of tumor development and for testing molecular imaging methods based on somatostatin receptors. Here, we review the relevant models reported to date, their impact on the understanding of the biology of the tumor subtypes and their relationships, as well as the effect of the analyses of the genetic landscape of the human tumors and molecular imaging tools in their development
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2296
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tecnología

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