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Título : Identification of yrast high-K intrinsic states in 188Os
Autor : Modamio, V.
Jungclaus, A.
Podolyak, Zs.
Shi, Y.
Xu, F.R.
Algora, A.
Bazzacco, D.
Escrig, D.
Fraile, L.M.
Lenzi, S.M.
Marginean, N.
Martinez, T.
Napoli, D.R.
Schwengner, R
Ur, C.A.
Palabras clave : Nuclear structure
Electromagnetic moments
Deformed Shell Model
Fecha de publicación : 17-feb-2009
Editorial : The American Physical Society
Citación : 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.024310
Citación : Physical Review C;79
Resumen : The high-spin structure of the Z = 76 nucleus 188Os has been studied using the incomplete fusion reaction 7Li + 186W. A Kπ = 10+ band has been established up to spin (24+) and its crossing with the ground-state band has been studied. In addition, intrinsic high-K states have been identified and on top of two of them, Kπ = 7− and Kπ = 10−, regular bands have been observed. The Kπ = 16+ and Kπ = 18+ states are yrast whereas the Kπ = 14+ level lies only 33 keV above the yrast line and decays with a low reduced hindrance of fν < 1.3 to the ground-state band ( K = 14). The results are discussed by means of a systematic comparison with the even-even neighboring nucleus 186Os. Configuration-constrained multiquasiparticle potential-energy-surface calculations have been performed to identify the configurations of multiquasiparticle states.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2444
ISSN : 0556-2813
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Energía

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