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Título : Multiscale modelling for fusion and fission materials: The M4F project
Autor : Malerba, Lorenzo
Caturla, Maria José
Gaganidze, E.
Kaden, C.
Kostantinovich, M.J
Olsson, P.
Robertson, C.
Rodney, D
Ruiz-Moreno, Ana
Serrano, M
Bergner, F
Diego, G.
Merino, S.
Hernandez-Mayoral, M.
Palabras clave : localised deformation, irradiation, F/M steels
Nanoindentation, fusion, neutrons, modelling
Fecha de publicación : 8-feb-2024
Citación : Nuclear Materials and Energy;29
Resumen : The M4F project brings together the fusion and fission materials communities working on the prediction of radiation damage production and evolution and their effects on the mechanical behaviour of irradiated ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels. It is a multidisciplinary project in which several different experimental and computational materials science tools are integrated to understand and model the complex phenomena associated with the formation and evolution of irradiation induced defects and their effects on the macroscopic behaviour of the target materials. In particular the project focuses on two specific aspects: (1) To develop physical understanding and predictive models of the origin and consequences of localised deformation under irradiation in F/M steels; (2) To develop good practices and possibly advance towards the definition of protocols for the use of ion irradiation as a tool to evaluate radiation effects on materials. Nineteen modelling codes across different scales are being used and developed and an experimental validation programme based on the examination of materials irradiated with neutrons and ions is being carried out. The project enters now its 4th year and is close to delivering high-quality results. This paper overviews the work performed so far within the project, highlighting its impact for fission and fusion materials science.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2457
ISSN : 2352-1791
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tecnología

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