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Título : Modeling of a two-step solar hydrogen production plant
Autor : de la Calle, Alberto
Roca, Lidia
Yebra, Luis J.
Dormido, Sebastián
Palabras clave : Solar hydrogen
Water splitting
Model Calibration
Fecha de publicación : 16-may-2012
Editorial : International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Resumen : The promising advances in research in two-step solar hydrogen production from water have increased interest in producing hydrogen with this technology. In this framework, the Hydrosol II Project pilot plant for producing continuous solar hydrogen from water using a ferrite-based redox technology was erected at the CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería. Two reactors allow the oxidation and reduction steps to be performed in parallel, which, sequentially switched, make hydrogen production quasi-continuous. A dynamic model of a solar hydrogen production plant has been developed based on experience with this pilot plant. As it was designed as a control algorithm test platform, for practical control issues, some simplifications have been assumed to make the model suitable. The new model includes both a solar field model and a processing plant model and is able to simulate the concentrated solar power received by the reactors and the thermal and chemical reactor behavior. The solar field model and plant thermal behavior were calibrated and validated with experimental data. The numerical predictions show good agreement with measurement data.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2473
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Energía

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