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Título : Benefits of combining anaerobic digestion and amino acid extraction from microalgae
Autor : Ramos-Suarez, Juan Luis
García Cuadra, Francisco
Gabriel Acien, Francisco
Carreras, Nely
Palabras clave : Microalgae
Anaerobic digestion
Ammonia inhibition
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Resumen : The anaerobic digestion of Scenedesmus residues generated after a process of amino acid extraction with an extraction efficiency of 59% was thoroughly studied in 3 L working volume semi-continuous reactors. Anaerobic digestion of high concentrated Scenedesmus residues (17.6%TS) was inhibited due to ammonia and volatile acids accumulation. Dilution of the substrate to 10.5%TS avoided the inhibition of the process. The acclimation of microorganisms to the digestion of the substrate caused a further improvement in the process performance. High biogas and methane yields (409.3 and 291.5 L kg VS 1, respectively) were achieved at an organic loading rate of 3.85 g VS L 1 d 1 with an hydraulic retention time of 20 days. Electrical and thermal energy (0.525 kWh and 2305.9 kJ per kg 1 dry cultivated biomass) generated by the combustion of methane could be used for the different steps within the culturing of microalgae and the amino acid extraction processes. Moreover, a mass balance suggested that nitrogen and carbon dioxide needs for growing microalgae could be cut to a maximum of 30% and 25%, respectively, thanks to the coupling of anaerobic digestion to the extraction of amino acids from microalgae.
Descripción : Chemical Engineering Journal 258 (2014) 1–9
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2523
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Medio Ambiente

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