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Título : Status of the engineering activities carried out on the European DCLL
Autor : Rapisarda, David
Fernández-Berceruelo, Iván
Palermo, Iole
Urgorri, Fernando
Maqueda, Luis
Alonso, D
Melichar, T
Frybort, O
Vala, Ladislav
González, María
Norajitra, P
Neuberger, H
Ibarra, Ángel
Palabras clave : DCLL
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Citación : DOI 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.02.022
Resumen : The Dual Coolant Lithium Lead breeding blanket is being investigated as a candidate for the European DEMO. This blanket is based on the use of PbLi as breeder and coolant (“self-cooled breeding zone”) and high-pressure helium for cooling the structures made of EUROFER. During the first part of the project, a conceptual design of the DCLL equatorial outboard module (which supports the highest neutronic and thermal loads) has been finalized, meeting the requirements of tritium self-sufficiency and shielding. It was designed to work under normal, undisturbed operational conditions. The present work shows the current DCLL design produced to comply with the in-box LOCA requirements, including the most relevant results on neutronics, thermal-hydraulic and mechanical calculations, as well as the advances on the Flow Channel Insert development.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/2538
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos del Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión

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