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Título : Optimizing Solar Potential Analysis in Cuba: A Methodology for High-Resolution Regional Mapping
Autor : Domínguez, Javier
Bellini, Carlo
Martín Ávila, Ana-María
Zarzalejo, Luis F.
Palabras clave : solar mapping
solar resources
solar radiation
renewable energies
rural electrification
sustainable development
high-resolution models
Fecha de publicación : 10-sep-2024
Editorial : MDPI
Citación : Domínguez, J.; Bellini, C.; Martín, A.M.; Zarzalejo, L.F. Optimizing Solar Potential Analysis in Cuba: A Methodology for High-Resolution Regional Mapping. Sustainability 2024, 16, 7899. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16187899
Resumen : The development of solar energy at a regional scale necessitates a thorough understanding of available resources. Cuba, facing prolonged economic, environmental, and energy crises, urgently needs to enhance its sustainability through solar energy. Although solar resource mapping is widespread, Cuba lacks extensive field measurements, often relying on models that may not be ideally suited for large regions, like Matanzas province. Spanning over 12,000 km² with nearly 150 km between its northern and southern extremes, Matanzas presents challenges for high-resolution solar mapping. This study introduces a methodology that integrates various methods and databases to achieve the maximum resolution in the resulting solar map. This approach is designed for large areas, where conventional high-resolution models fall short. By optimizing calculation times and parameterizing the entire surface latitudinally, a high-resolution solar resource map for Matanzas has been developed. This map significantly enhances the understanding of solar resources in Cuba and enables the proposal of new methodologies for analyzing solar potential in similarly large regions.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/3401
ISSN : 2071-1050
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Energía

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