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Título : Cathodoluminescence, SEM and EDX analysis of CaF2 and Tm2O3 pellets for radiation dosimetry applications
Autor : Rodríguez Jiménez, Rafael
Correcher Delgado, Virgilio
Plaza, José Luis
Gómez Ros, José María
García Guinea, Javier
Palabras clave : Microanalysis
Thulium oxide
Calcium fluoride
Quenching of luminescence
Radiation dosimetry
Fecha de publicación : nov-2021
Editorial : Elsevier
Citación : Rodríguez, R., Correcher, V., Gómez-Ros, J.M., Plaza, J.L., Garcia-Guinea, J. Cathodoluminescence, SEM and EDX analysis of CaF2 and Tm2O3 pellets for radiation dosimetry applications. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 188, art. no. 109621, (2021).
Resumen : Preparation and synthesis of luminescent materials has a special interest in medicine, industry and research due to the wide variety of applications offered by phosphors. In this study, pellets of a mixture of CaF2 and Tm2O3 which were pressed and thermally treated up to 600 °C were prepared in air. Combined SEM (scanning electron microscopy), EDX (energy dispersive X-ray analysis) and CL-RGB (cathodoluminescence red-green-blue) microanalysis and, complementarily spectral CL analysis of this phosphor were performed. EDX analysis showed that the activator was homogeneously distributed in the prepared specimens. The additional CL emission can be attributed to the properties of some luminescent centers that were apparently created during the annealing. In addition, it seems that other trapping centers were created by new structural defects during the preparation process in the CaF2 lattice. The combined techniques SEM/EDX/CL-RGB have confirmed their capabilities in the characterization of the prepared materials. This contribution provides a process and characterization methods used in the fabrication and characterization of a phosphor that can also be used to optimize the luminescent emission of other similar synthetic materials with rare earth oxides as activators.
Descripción : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2021.109621
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/3806
ISSN : 0969806X
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Medio Ambiente

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