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Título : Novel ZnO-NiO-graphene-based sorbents for removal of hydrogen sulfide at intermediate temperature
Autor : Sanchez-Hervas, Jose Maria
Maroño, Marta
Ortiz, Isabel
Ortiz, Raquel
Fernandez, Rodolfo
Gomez Mancebo, Maria Belen
Palabras clave : Gas cleaning
Fecha de publicación : abr-2022
Editorial : Elsevier
Citación : J.M. Sánchez-Hervás, M. Maroño, R. Fernández-Martínez, I. Ortiz, R. Ortiz, M.B. Gómez-Mancebo, Novel ZnO-NiO-graphene-based sorbents for removal of hydrogen sulfide at intermediate temperature, Fuel, Volume 314, 2022, 122724, ISSN 0016-2361
Citación : Fuel,;Volume 314, 2022, 122724
Resumen : When syngas is upgraded to bio-refinery products, hydrogen sulfide removal is necessary to prevent corrosion of equipment and avoid poisoning of sulfur sensitive catalysts. Technologies relying on sorbents working in the 300–500 °C temperature range are desirable for better process integration. In this work, a new family of reduced graphene ZnO-NiO sorbents, Zn-Ni-rGO, were synthesized by non-expensive and easily replicable scalable methods and studied for the first time for hydrogen sulfide reactive adsorption. Preparation was based on the Hummers & the improved Tour methods followed by addition of Zn(NO3), Ni(NO3), hydrothermal reduction and annealing. As obtained as well as post-reaction rGO-NiO-ZnO sorbents were characterized by XRF, XRD and N2 adsorption at −196 °C. The performance of the sorbents for fixed bed desulfurization was determined at lab-scale (P = 10 bar, T = 400 °C, GHSV = 3500 h−1) on a gas stream containing 9000 ppmv of H2S/N2. The sorbents showed better hydrogen sulfide removal capacity than the commercial one studied for comparison, what makes them a potential candidate for gas cleaning in the syngas-related sectors.
URI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122724.
ISSN : 0016-2361
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Energía

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