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Título : Optimization of prevention and mitigation of severe accidents through Research: Major outcomes and outlook of the Spanish programme
Autor : Herranz, L.E.
Domínguez-Bugarín, A.
Fernández-Cosials, K.
Fontanet, J.
Jiménez, G.
Martín-Valdepeñas, J.M.
Queral, C.
Robledo, F.
Serra, L.
Vázquez-Rodríguez, C.
Palabras clave : PWR-W
Fecha de publicación : feb-2024
Editorial : Nuclear Engineering and Design
Citación : Nuclear Engineering and Design 417 (2024) 112804
Resumen : Severe accidents research activities in Spain have grown substantially since the Fukushima-Daiichi accident. Most of these research activities have been conducting by a few organizations (national research center and academia) with the support of the Regulatory Authority, utilities and engineering companies. A great number of these activities were conducted in the analytical field and their main outcomes are contributing to a better understanding of severe accident phenomena (i.e., pool scrubbing; combustible gas distribution and combustion; fission products transport; etc.) and the efficiency of severe accident management actions (i.e., FLEX; PARs; activation of safety systems, long-term measures; etc.). The national framework set between researchers and end-users (regulators and utilities) is improving the safety of the Spanish nuclear power plants and allows for the assimilation of the research results by the nuclear industry.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/4445
ISSN : 0029-5493
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