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Título : Influence of soil redox state on mercury sorption and reduction capacity
Autor : Debure, Mathieu
Grangeon, Sylvain
Robinet, Jean-Charles
Madé, Benoit
Fernández, Ana María
Lerouge, Catherine
Palabras clave : Mercury
redox state
Clayey formations
Fecha de publicación : 19-dic-2019
Citación : Mathieu Debure, Sylvain Grangeon, Jean-Charles Robinet, Benoît Madé, Ana María Fernández, Catherine Lerouge, Influence of soil redox state on mercury sorption and reduction capacity, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 707, 2020, 136069, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136069.
Citación : Science of the Total Environment;707
Resumen : Weinvestigated themechanisms of interactions between divalent aqueousHg and rock samples originating from an outcropping rock formation, the Albian Tégulines Clay (France, Aube). Two solid samples collected at two different depths (7.7 and 21.2 m depth) in the rock formation were selected since, in situ, they had and were still experiencing contrasting redox conditions, and thus had different mineralogy with regards to the minerals containing redox-sensitive elements, in particular iron. The sample that was the closer to the surface was under oxidizing conditions and contained goethite and siderite,while the deeper onewas under reducing conditions and hadmore siderite, together with pyrite andmagnetite. The redox state of the sampleswas preserved throughout the present study by careful conditioning, preparation, and use themunder O2-free conditions. The two samples had similar affinity for Hg, with a retention coefficient (RD) ranging between 102 and 106 mol·kg−1 when the aqueous Hg concentration ranged between 4.4 and 107 ng·L−1 with the lowest concentration for the highest RD. However, the mechanisms of interaction differed. In the oxidized sample, no change in Hg redox state was observed, and the retention was due to reversible adsorption on the mineral phases (including organic matter). In contrast, upon interaction with the deeper and reduced sample, Hg was not only adsorbed on the mineral phases, but part of it was also reduced to dissolve elemental Hg. This reduction was attributed to magnetite and siderite and highlights the influence of mineralogy on the geochemical cycle of Hg.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/4465
ISSN : 0048-9697
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