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Título : Lentivirus-mediated gene therapy corrects ribosomal biogenesis and shows promise for Diamond Blackfan anemia
Autor : Giménez, Yari
Palacios, Manuel
Sánchez-Domínguez, Rebeca
Zorbas, Christiane
Peral, Jorge
Puzik, Alexander
Ugalde, Laura
Alberquilla, Omaira
Villanueva, Mariela
Río, Paula
Gálvez, Eva
Da Costa, Lydie
Strullu, Marion
Catala, Albert
Ruiz-Llobet, Anna
Segovia, Jose Carlos
Sevilla, Julián
Strahm, Brigitte
Niemeyer, Charlotte M.
Beléndez, Cristina
Leblanc, Thierry
Lafontaine, Denis L.J.
Bueren, Juan
Navarro, Susana
Palabras clave : Gene therapy
Diamond BLackfan anemia
Bone marrow failure
Fecha de publicación : 22-may-2024
Editorial : The JCI Insight Editorial Board
Citación : JCI Insight. 2024;9(10):e171650. https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.171650.
Citación : 9(10):;e171650.
Resumen : This study lays the groundwork for future lentiviral-mediated gene therapy in Diamond Blackfan anemia patients caused by mutations in RPS19, showing evidence that should constitute a new safe and effective therapy.. The data show that, unlike patients with Fanconi anaemia (FA), the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) reservoir of DBA patients is not significantly reduced; suggesting that collection of these cells should not constitute a remarkable restriction for DBA gene therapySubsequentially, two clinically applicable lentiviral vectors were developed. In the former vector; PGK.CoRPS19 LV, a codon-optimized version of RPS19 was driven by the phosphoglycerate kinase promoter (PGK), already used in different gene therapy trials including FA gene therapy. In the latter one; EF1α.CoRPS19 LV, RPS19 expression was driven by the elongation factor alpha short promoter, EF1α(s). Preclinical experiments showed that transduction of DBA-patient CD34+ cells with the PGK.CoRPS19 LV restored erythroid differentiation, and demonstrated the long-term repopulating properties of corrected DBA CD34+ cells providing evidence of improved erythroid maturation. Concomitantly, long-term restoration of ribosomal biogenesis was confirmed using a novel method applicable to patients' blood cells, based on ribosomal RNA methylation analyses. Finally, in vivo safety studies and proviral insertion sites analyses showed that lentivirus-mediated gene therapy was non-toxic.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/4921
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Investigación Básica

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