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Título : Stabilization of ultra-lean hydrogen enriched inverted flames behind a bluff–body and the phenomenon of anomalous blow–off
Autor : Jiménez, Carmen
Michaels, Dan
Ghoniem, Ahmed F.
Palabras clave : Premixed flames
Conjugate heat exchange
Preferential diffusion
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : Elsevier
Citación : Carmen Jiménez, Dan Michaels, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Stabilization of ultra-lean hydrogen enriched inverted flames behind a bluff–body and the phenomenon of anomalous blow–off, Combustion and Flame, Volume 191, 2018, Pages 86-98.
Resumen : This paper presents a fundamental study of ultra-lean flames stabilized behind a thin, highly conducting metallic rectangular bluff body acting as a flame holder. Using high fidelity numerical simulations, we reproduce a phenomenon observed experimentally, showing that in this configuration steady hydrogen–methane flames can exist at equivalence ratios below the flammability limit associated with planar unstrained flames with the same hydrogen–methane proportion. These ultra–lean hydrogen–enriched mixtures exhibit a distinct stabilization mechanism compared to pure methane flames: they stabilize in the form of inverted closed V or U flames farther away from the flame holder as the inflow reactants velocity is reduced, leading eventually to blow-off for sufficiently small velocities. Conversely, as the reactants flow rate is increased, the flames anchor closer to the flame holder, and surprisingly no blow-off is observed at high velocities. This response is shown to be linked to the presence of hydrogen in the fuel mixture and its large diffusivity, which results in locally richer mixtures in the strained, curved flame base.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/657
ISSN : 0010-2180
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Energía

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