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Título : Boosting Advanced Computational Applications and Resources in Latin America through Collaboration and Sharing
Autor : Mocskos, Esteban
Barrios, Carlos J.
Castro, Harold
Cazar, Dennis
Nesmachnow, Sergio
Mayo-García, Rafael
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : IEEE
Citación : E. Mocskos, C.J. Barrios, H. Castro, D. Cazar, S. Nesmachnow, R. Mayo-García. Boosting Advanced Computational Applications and Resources in Latin America through Collaboration and Sharing. Computing in Science & Engineering 20 3, 39-48 (2018)
Resumen : Although computing research and facilities in Latin America have been developing steadily, a remarkable gap nevertheless remains in the availability of resources and specialized human resources compared to other regions. RICAP (Red Iberoamericana de Computación de Altas Prestaciones, or Ibero-American Network for High- Performance Computing) aims to fill this gap by means of a strategic and advanced computational infrastructure that includes both high-performance and high-throughput computing platforms. This network will also develop software tools to facilitate this infrastructure’s accessibility and computational efficiency to encourage use by the Latin American computing community as well as focus on strengthening and training human resources in both parallel programming techniques and large-scale computing platform operations.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/702
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