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Título : Media coverage of nuclear energy after Fukushima
Autor : Oltra, C.
Román, P.
Prades, A.
Palabras clave : Nuclear energy
Progress report
Required reports
Public opinion
Fecha de publicación : 6-jun-2014
Citación : Informes Técnicos Ciemat;1302
Resumen : This report presents the main findings of a content analysis of printed media coverage of nuclear energy in Spain before and after the Fukushima accident. Our main objective is to understand the changes in the presentation of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion as a result of the accident in Japan. We specifically analyze the volume of coverage and thematic content in the media coverage for nuclear fusion from a sample of Spanish print articles in more than 20 newspapers from 2008 to 2012. We also analyze the media coverage of nuclear energy (fission) in three main Spanish newspapers one year before and one year after the accident. The results illustrate how the media contributed to the presentation of nuclear power in the months before and after the accident. This could have implications for the public understanding of nuclear power.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/91
ISSN : 1135-9420
Aparece en las colecciones: Informes de Medio Ambiente

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