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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
14-jun-2024Electrical transport properties in Ge hyperdoped with TeCaudevilla, Daniel; Pérez-Zenteno, Francisco; Duarte-Cano, Sebastián; García-Hernández, Rodrigo; Olea, Javier; San Andrés, Enrique; Barrio, Rocío; Torres, Ignacio; García-Emme, Eric; Prado, Álvaro; Pastor, David
14-jun-2024High Pressure Sputtering of materials for selective contacts in emerging photovoltaic cells”.San Andrés, Enrique; García-Hernández, Rodrigo; García, Eric; Barrio, Rocío; Torres, Ignacio; Caudevilla, Daniel; Pastor, David; Prado, Álvaro; Zenteno, Francisco
14-jun-2024Indium tin oxide obtained by high pressure sputtering for emerging selective contacts in photovoltaic cells.Caudevilla, Daniel; San Andrés, Enrique; García-Emme, Eric; Pérez, Francisco; Torres, Ignacio; Barrio, Rocío; García-Hernansanz, Rodrigo; Olea, Javier; Pastor, David; Prado, Álvaro
Mostrando resultados 1 a 3 de 3


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