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Buscar por Materia Hydrogen

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 11 de 11
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
8-ago-2019Analysis of an idealized counter-current microchannel-based reactor to produce hydrogen-rich syngas from methanolFernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Fernández-Tarrazo, Eduardo; Jiménez, Carmen; Kurdyumov, Vadim N.
13-feb-2024Analysis of using MMC topologies for the direct integration of renewable generation with modular electrolyzersRausell, Eduardo; Navarro, Gustavo; Lafoz, Marcos; Arnaltes, Santiago; Rodríguez, Jose Luis; Blanco, Marcos; Nájera, Jorge
24-jun-2014CHRISGAS Project. WP13: Ancillary and novel processes. Final Report: separation of hydrogen with membranes combined with water gas shift reactionSánchez-Hervás, J. Mª.; Maroño, M.; Mar Barreiro, Mª. del
12-dic-2014Ciclos termoquímicos basados en óxidos metálicos para producción de hidrógeno solarFernández Saavedra, Rocío; Quejido Cabezas, Alberto
13-ene-2015Combustión y gasificaciónOtero de Becerra, Juan
23-jul-2024Effect of confinement on the propagation patterns of lean hydrogen–air flamesDejoan, Anne; Zhou, Zhenghong; Fernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Ronney, Paul D.; Kurdyumov, Vadim N.
2013Heliostat-field gain-scheduling control applied to a two-step solar hydrogen production plantRoca, Lidia; de la Calle, Alberto; Yebra, Luis J.
11-nov-2022Recent progress in L–H transition studies at JET: tritium, helium, hydrogen and deuteriumSolano, E. R.
2018Stabilization of ultra-lean hydrogen enriched inverted flames behind a bluff–body and the phenomenon of anomalous blow–offJiménez, Carmen; Michaels, Dan; Ghoniem, Ahmed F.
13-ene-2023Systematically derived one-step kinetics for hydrogen-air gas-turbine combustionCarpio, Jaime; Li, Brandon; Fernández-Galisteo, Daniel; Sánchez, Antonio L.; Williams, Forman A.
2019Ultra-lean hydrogen-enriched oscillating flames behind a heat conducting bluff-body: anomalous and normal blow–off.Jiménez, Carmen; Michaels, Dan; Ghoniem, Ahmed F.
Mostrando resultados 1 a 11 de 11


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