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10-may-2023Assessment of the use of common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) foliage following the cascade principleMediavilla, I.; Bados, R.; Barros, L.; Xavier, V.; Finimundy, T.C.; Pires, T.C.S.P.; Heleno, S.A.; Calhelha, R.C.; Amaral, J.S.; Rizzo, A.M.; Casini, D.; Lombardi, G.; Chiaramonti, D.; Cámara, M.; Suárez, A.; Ardid, T.; Esteban, L.S.
10-dic-2021Chemical and bioactive characterization of the essential oils obtained from three mediterranean plantsXavier, V.; Finimundy, T.C.; Heleno, S.A.; Amaral, J.S.; Calhelha, R.; Vaz, J.; Pires, T.C.S.P.; Mediavilla, I.; Esteban, L.S.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R.; Barros, L.
28-may-2021Essential oils from residual foliage of forest tree and shrub species: yield and antioxidant capacityMediavilla, I.; Guillamón, E.; Ruiz, A.; Esteban, L.S.
19-abr-2021Influence of the storage of Cistus ladanifer L. bales from mechanised harvesting on the essential oil yield and qualitative compositionMediavilla, I.; Blázquez, M.A.; Ruiz, A.; Esteban, L.S.
15-jul-2012Optimisation of pelletisation conditions for poplar energy cropMediavilla, I.; Esteban, L.S.; Fernández, M.J.
19-mar-2009Optimization of pelletisation and combustion in a boiler of 17.5 kWth for vine shoots and industrial cork residueMediavilla, I.; Fernández, M.J.; Esteban, L.S.
1-abr-2024Profile and accumulation of essential oils from guayule (Parthenium argentatum A. Gray) accessions and hybridsGonzález-Navarro, E.; García-Martínez, M.M.; Esteban, L.S.; Mediavilla, I.; Carrión, M.E.; Carmona, M.; Zalacaín, A.
19-nov-2023The influence of the long-term outdoor storage of rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) shrub biomass on biofuel's quality, pre-treatment and combustion processesBados, R.; Mediavilla, I.; Tolosana, E.; Borjabad, E.; Ramos, R.; Fernández, M.J.; Pérez, P.; Esteban, L.S.
30-may-2023Yield, chemical composition and bioactivity of essential oils from common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) from different Spanish originsEsteban, L.S.; Mediavilla, I.; Xavier, V.; Amaral, J.S.; Pires, T.C.S.P.; Calhelha, R.; López, C.; Barros, L.
Mostrando resultados 1 a 9 de 9


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