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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
jul-2015A clay permeable reactive barrier to remove Cs-137 from groundwater: Column experimentsDe Pourcq, Katrine; Ayora, Carlos; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Missana, Tiziana; Carrera, Jesús
2014Addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles to bentonite: effects on surface charge and Cd sorption propertiesMayordomo, Natalia; Alonso, Ursula; Missana, Tiziana; Benedicto, Ana; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel
ene-2017Analysis of barium retention mechanisms on calcium silicate hydrate phasesMissana, Tiziana; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Mingarro, Manuel; Alonso, Ursula
29-ene-2023Analysis of Cadmium Retention Mechanisms by a Smectite Clay in the Presence of CarbonatesMissana, Tiziana; Alonso, Ursula; Mayordomo, Natalia; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel
mar-2023Analysis of radionuclide retention by the cement hydrate phase portlandite: A novel modelling approachAlmendros-Ginestá, Oscar; Missana, Tiziana; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Alonso, Ursula
abr-2023Analysis of the Role ofWater Saturation Degree in HTO, 36Cl, and 75Se Diffusion in Sedimentary RockGarcía-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Mingarro, Manuel; Morejón, Jesús; Alonso, Ursula; Missana, Tiziana
mar-2018Analysis of the stability behaviour of colloids obtained from different smectite claysMissana, Tiziana; Alonso, Ursula; Fernández, Ana María; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel
sep-2018Cesium diffusion in mortars from different cements used in radioactive waste repositoriesGarcía-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Missana, Tiziana; Mingarro, Manuel; Morejón, Jesús; Cormenzana, José Luis
ago-2018Colloidal properties of different smectite clays: Significance for the bentonite barrier erosion and radionuclide transport in radioactive waste repositoriesMissana, Tiziana; Alonso, Ursula; Fernández, Ana María; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel
sep-2018Comparison between cesium and sodium retention on calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) phasesMissana, Tiziana; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Mingarro, Manuel; Alonso, Ursula
ene-2021Complexation of Nd(III)/Cm(III) with gluconate in alkaline NaCl and CaCl2 solutions: Solubility, TRLFS and DFT studiesRojo, Henar; Gaona, Xavier; Rabung, Thomas; Polly, Robert; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Missana, Tiziana; Altmaier, Marcus
ago-2022Effects of the presence of isosaccharinate on nickel adsorption by calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) gels: Experimental analysis and surface complexation modellingMissana, Tiziana; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Alonso, Ursula; Fernández, Ana María
abr-2018Erosion behaviour of raw bentonites under compacted and confined conditions: Relevance of smectite content and clay/water interactionsAlonso, Ursula; Missana, Tiziana; Fernández, Ana MAría; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel
feb-2021Evaluation of component additive modelling approach for europium adsorption on 2:1 clays: Experimental, thermodynamic databases, and modelsMissana, Tiziana; Alonso, Ursula; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel
2014Experimental adsorption studies on different materials selected for developing a permeable reactive barrier for radiocesium retentionGarcía-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Missana, Tiziana; Benedicto, Ana; Ayora, Carlos; DePourcq, Katrien
ago-2024Investigation of the surface charge behaviour of ettringite: Influence of pH, calcium, and sulphate ionsMissana, Tiziana; Almendros-Ginestà, Oscar; Colmenero, Francisco; Fernández, Ana María; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel
oct-2022Modeling cesium retention onto Na-, K- and Ca-smectite: Effects of ionic strength, exchange and competing cations on the determination of selectivity coefficientsMissana, Tiziana; Benedicto, Ana; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Alonso, Ursula
jun-2014Modelling of Cs sorption in natural mixed-clays and the effects of ion competitionMissana, Tiziana; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Benedicto, Ana; Ayora, Carlos; De Pourcq, Katrien
ene-2022Nickel retention by calcium silicate hydrate phases: Evaluation of the role of the Ca/Si ratio on adsorption and precipitation processesMissana, Tiziana; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Alonso, Ursula; Almendros-Ginestà, Oscar
abr-2019Radium retention by blended cement pastes and pure phases (C-S-H and CA- S-H gels): Experimental assessment and modelling exercisesOlmeda, Javier; Missana, Tiziana; Grandia, Fidel; Mireia, Grivé; García-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Mingarro, Manuel; Alonso, Ursula; Colás, Elisenda; Henocq, Pierre; Munier, Isabel; Robinet, Jean-Charles
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