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Mostrando resultados 1 a 5 de 5
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
9-feb-2024Assessing the sustainability impacts of concentrated solar power deployment in Europe in the context of global value chainsGamarra, Ana Rosa; Banacloche, Santacruz; Lechón, Yolanda; Del Rio, Pablo
9-feb-2024Carbon benefits of different energy storage alternative end uses. Application to the Spanish caseLechón, Yolanda; Lago, Carmen; Herrera, Israel; Gamarra, Ana Rosa; Pérula, Alberto
9-feb-2024CFD modelling of air quality in Pamplona City (Spain): Assessment, stations spatial representativeness and health impacts valuationRivas, Esther; Santiago, Jose Luis; Lechón, Yolanda; Martín, Fernando; Ariño, Arturo; Pons, Juan José; Santamaría, Jesús Miguel
9-feb-2024Socioeconomic implications of biofuels deployment through an Input-Output approach. A case study in UruguayLechón, Yolanda; de la Rúa, Cristina; Rodríguez, Irene; Caldés, Natalia
9-feb-2024Towards energy transition in Tunisia: Sustainability assessment of a hybrid concentrated solar power and biomass plantBanacloche, Santacruz; Herrera, Israel; Lechón, Yolanda
Mostrando resultados 1 a 5 de 5


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