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2019Benchmarking LAMMPS: Sensitivity to Task Location Under CPU-Based Weak-ScalingMoríñigo, José A; García-Müller, Pablo; Rubio-Montero, Antonio J.; Gómez-Iglesias, Antonio; Meyer, Norbert; Mayo-García, Rafael
2020Benchmarking on improvement and site-adaptation techniques for 1 modeled solar radiation datasetsPolo, Jesús; Fernández-Peruchena, Carlos; Salamalikis, Vasileos; Mazorra-Aguiar, Luis; Turpin, Mathieu; Martín-Pomares, Luis; Kazantzidis, Andreas; Blanc, Philippe; Remund, Jan
2018Benchmarking performance: in uence of task location on cluster throughputRodríguez-Pascual, Manuel; Moríñigo, José A.; Mayo-García, Rafael
9-feb-2024Benefits of combining anaerobic digestion and amino acid extraction from microalgaeRamos-Suarez, Juan Luis; García Cuadra, Francisco; Gabriel Acien, Francisco; Carreras, Nely
21-nov-2012Benefits of photo-Fenton at low concentrations for solar disinfection of distilled water. A case study: Phytophthora capsiciPolo López, María Inmaculada; Oller Alberola, Isabel; Fernández Ibáñez, Pilar
20-sep-2022BENTONITE SWELLING INTO A VOID UNDER SUCTION OR WATER FLOWVillar, María Victoria; Gutiérrez-Álvarez, Carlos; Campos, Gemma
5-feb-2024Bioaccumulation of CuO nanomaterials in rainbow trout: Influence of exposure route and particle shapeKalman, Judit; Connolly, Mona; Abdolahpur-Monikh, Fazel; Fernández-Saavedra, Rocío; Cardona-García, Ana Isabel; Conde-Vilda, Estefanía; Martínez-Morcillo, Salomé; Peijnenburg, Willie J. G. M.; Rucandio, Isabel; Fernández-Cruz, María Luisa
2-feb-2024Bioaccumulation of emerging organic compounds (perfluoroalkyl substances and halogenated flame retardants) by earthworm in biosolid amended soilsNavarro, Irene; De la Torre, Adrián; Sanz, Paloma; Pro, Javier; Carbonell, Gregoria; Martínez, María Ángeles
9-feb-2024Bioaccumulation of Non-Essential Trace Elements Detected in Women’s Follicular Fluid, Urine, and Plasma Is Associated with Poor Reproductive Outcomes following Single Euploid Embryo Transfer: A Pilot StudyPalomar, Andrea; Gonzalez-Martin, Roberto; Quiñonero, Alicia; Pellicer, Nuria; Fernandez-Saavedra, Rocio; Rucandio, Isabel; Fernandez-Martinez, Rodolfo; Conde-Vilda, Estefania; Quejido, Alberto J.; Zuckerman, Caroline; Whitehead, Christine; Scott, Richard T.; Dominguez, Francisco
17-nov-2023Bioethanol lignin-rich residue from olive stones for electrospun nanostructures development and castor oil structuringRubio-Valle, Jose F.; Martín-Alfonso, Jose E.; Eugenio, María E.; Ibarra, David; Oliva, J.M.; Manzanares, Paloma; Valencia, Concepción
20-nov-2017Biofuels from broom clearings: production and combustion in commercial boilersMediavilla, I; Borjabad, E; Fernández, MJ; Ramos, R; Pérez, P; Bados, R; Carrasco, JE; Esteban, LS
11-may-2021Biogas from anaerobic digestion as an energy vector: Current upgrading developmentIglesias, Raquel; Muñoz, Raúl; Polanco, María; Díaz, Israel; Susmozas, Ana; Moreno, Antonio D.; Guirado, María; Carreras, Nely; Ballesteros, Mercedes
17-jun-2023Biological treatment and microbial composition of landfill leachate using a compost process in an airlift bioreactordel Amo, Elena H.; Poblete, Rodrigo; Sánchez, Olga; Maldonado, Manuel I.
1-ago-2020Biorefinery of the Olive Tree—Production of Sugars from Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Olive Stone Pretreated by Alkaline ExtrusionDomenech, Pablo; Duque, Aleta; Higueras, Isabel; Iglesias, Raquel; Manzanares, Paloma
13-ene-2015Biorrefinería: hacia una economía sostenible basada en la biomasaBallesteros Perdices, Mercedes
oct-2015Boiling bubbles monitoring for the protection of the LIPAcbeam-dumpRapisarda, David; Olmos, Pedro; Brañas, Beatriz; Arranz, Fernando; Iglesias, Daniel; Molla, Joaquin
dic-2009Bone marrow-derived cells promote liver regeneration in mice with erythropoietic protoporphyriaGarcía-Bravo, M; Morán-Jiménez, MJ; Quintana-Bustamante, O; Ménde, M; Gutiérrez-Vera, I; Bueren, JA; Salido, E; Segovia, JC; Fontanellas, A; de Salamanca, RE
27-dic-2009Bone marrow-derived cells promote liver regeneration in mice with erythropoietic protoporphyriaGarcía-Bravo, María; Morán-Jiménez, María José; Quintana-Bustamante, Óscar; Méndez, Manuel; Gutiérrez-Vera, Inmaculada; Bueren, Juan; Salido, Eduardo; Segovia, José Carlos; Fontanellas, Antonio; Enríquez de Salamanca, Rafael
sep-2006Bone marrow-derived fibrocytes participate in pathogenesis of liver fibrosisKisseleva, T; Uchinami, H; Feirt, N; Quintana-Bustamante, O; Segovia, JC; Schwabe, RF; Brenner, DA
2018Boosting Advanced Computational Applications and Resources in Latin America through Collaboration and SharingMocskos, Esteban; Barrios, Carlos J.; Castro, Harold; Cazar, Dennis; Nesmachnow, Sergio; Mayo-García, Rafael
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