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nov-2021Cathodoluminescence, SEM and EDX analysis of CaF2 and Tm2O3 pellets for radiation dosimetry applicationsRodríguez Jiménez, Rafael; Correcher Delgado, Virgilio; Plaza, José Luis; Gómez Ros, José María; García Guinea, Javier
1-feb-2024Causality, intermittence, and crossphase evolution during confinement transitions in the TJ-II stellaratorvan Milligen, Boudewijn; Carreras, Benjamin; Voldiner, Igor; Losada, Ulises; Hidalgo, Carlos
2012Cell Fusion Reprogramming Leads to a Specific Hepatic Expression Pattern during Mouse Bone Marrow Derived Hepatocyte Formation In VivoQuintana-Bustamante, Oscar; Grueso, Esther; García-Escudero, Ramón; Arza, Elvira; Álvarez-Barrientos, Alberto; Fabregat, Isabel; García-Bravo, María; Meza, Néstor W; Segovia, José Carlos
23-mar-2012Cell Fusion Reprogramming Leads to a Specific Hepatic Expression Pattern during Mouse Bone Marrow Derived Hepatocyte Formation In VivoQuintana-Bustamante, O; Grueso, E; Garcia-Escudero, R; Arza, E; Alvarez-Barrientos, A; Fabregat, I; García-Bravo, M; Meza, NW; Segovia, JC
sep-2018Cesium diffusion in mortars from different cements used in radioactive waste repositoriesGarcía-Gutiérrez, Miguel; Missana, Tiziana; Mingarro, Manuel; Morejón, Jesús; Cormenzana, José Luis
10-dic-2014Células madre y cáncerSegrelles Huelga, M. Carmen; Paramio González, Jesús M.; Lorz López, M. Corina
12-dic-2014Células madre y sangre: ¿De dónde venimos y... dónde vamos a parar?Bueren Roncero, Juan A.
2016CFD modeling of reactive pollutant dispersion in simplified urban configurations with different chemical mechanisms Sanchez, B.; Santiago, J.-L.; Martilli, A.; Palacios, M.; Kirchner, F.
9-feb-2024CFD modelling of air quality in Pamplona City (Spain): Assessment, stations spatial representativeness and health impacts valuationRivas, Esther; Santiago, Jose Luis; Lechón, Yolanda; Martín, Fernando; Ariño, Arturo; Pons, Juan José; Santamaría, Jesús Miguel
1-mar-2016CGL2011-24768 El sistema poroso de las facies Utrillas (Cretácico Inferior). Modelo geológico 3D de Villameriel (Cuenca del Duero)Bernat, Manuel; Ruxandra, Nita; Campos, Rocio
5-dic-2023Challenges and prospects of yeast-based microbial oil production within a biorefinery conceptGallego-García, María; Susmozas, Ana; Negro, María José; Moreno, Antonio D.
15-jul-2014Challenges in the research of public acceptance of energy technologies, infrastructures and applicationsOltra, Christian; Boso, Àlex; Prades, Ana
1-mar-2016Characterization by XCT of cements SD-1 Utrillas M1 and M2.Sket, Federico; Revisión, R.Campos
2011Characterization of chalcopyrite Cu(In,Al)Se2 thin films grown by selenization of evaporated precursorsMartín, Sofía; Guillén, Cecilia
13-ene-2021Characterization of clay (bentonite)/crushed granite mixtures to build barriers against the migration of radionuclides: diffusion studies and physical properties.Mingarro, Enrique; Rivas, Pedro; Pérez del Villar, Luis; de la Cruz, Benigno; Gómez, Paloma; Hernández, Antonio; Turrero, María Jesús; Villar, María Victoria; Campos, Rocío; Cózar, Juan
25-sep-2024Characterization of direct- and back-scribing laser patterning of SnO2:F for a-Si:H PV module fabricationCanteli, David; Torres, Ignacio; García-Ballesteros, Juan José; Cárabe, Julio; Molpeceres, Carlos; Gandía, José Javier
10-ene-2020Characterization of organic aerosol at a rural site influenced by olive waste biomass burningPérez, Rosa; Salvador, Pedro; García Alonso, Susana; Alastuey, Andrés; García Dos Santos, Saúl; Querol, Xavier; Artíñano, Begoña
30-ene-2023Characterization of organic aerosols at the Natura 2000 remote environment of Sanabria Lake (Spain): Evaluating the influence of African dust and regional biomass burning smokePérez Pastor, Rosa; Salvador, Pedro; García Gómez, Héctor; García Alonso, Susana; Toro, Manuel; Artiñano, Begoña; Alonso, Rocío
mar-2012Characterization of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic plume over the Iberian Peninsula by lidar remote sensing and ground-level data collectionRevuelta, MA; Sastre, M; Fernandez, AJ; Martin, L; Garcia, R; Gomez-Moreno, FJ; Artiñano, B; Pujadas, M; Molero, F
29-nov-2023Characterization of the thermoluminescence glow curve of Li2B4O7:Cu,AgBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; GOMEZ ROS, JOSE MARIA; CORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO
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