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Título : Further Increasing the Accuracy of Characterization of a Thin Dielectric or Semiconductor Film on a Substrate from Its Interference Transmittance Spectrum
Autor : Minkov, D.
Márquez, E.
Angelov, G.
Fernandez Ruano, S.
Saugar, E.
Palabras clave : increased characterization accuracy
thin film
envelope method
dielectric film
semiconductor film
transmittance spectrum
Fecha de publicación : 19-ago-2021
Editorial : Tatiana Perova, Giorgio Biasol, Yurii K. Gun´ko and Alexander Baranov
Citación : Minkov, D.; Marquez, E.; Angelov, G.; Gavrilov, G.; Ruano, S.; Saugar, E. Further Increasing the Accuracy of Characterization of a Thin Dielectric or Semiconductor Film on a Substrate from Its Interference Transmittance Spectrum. Materials 2021, 14, 4681. https:// doi.org/10.3390/ma14164681
Citación : volume;14
Resumen : Three means are investigated for further increasing the accuracy of the characterization of a thin film on a substrate, from the transmittance spectrum T(l) of the specimen, based on the envelope method. Firstly, it is demonstrated that the accuracy of characterization, of the average film thickness d and the thickness non-uniformity Dd over the illuminated area, increases, employing a simple dual transformation utilizing the product T(l)xs(l), where Tsm(l) is the smoothed spectrum of T(l) and xs(l) is the substrate absorbance. Secondly, an approach is proposed for selecting an interval of wavelengths, so that using envelope points only from this interval provides the most accurate characterization of d and Dd, as this approach is applicable no matter whether the substrate is transparent or non-transparent. Thirdly, the refractive index n(l) and the extinction coefficient k(l) are computed, employing curve fitting by polynomials of the optimized degree of 1/ , instead of by previously used either polynomial of the optimized degree of or a two-term exponential of . An algorithm is developed, applying these three means, and implemented, to characterize a-Si and As98Te2 thin films. Record high accuracy within 0.1% is achieved in the computation of d and n(l) of these films.
URI : http://documenta.ciemat.es/handle/123456789/3012
ISSN : 1996-1944
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Energía

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