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Buscar por Materia Thermoluminescence

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 11 de 11
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29-nov-2023Characterization of the thermoluminescence glow curve of Li2B4O7:Cu,AgBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; GOMEZ ROS, JOSE MARIA; CORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO
11-dic-2023Correlation between figure of merit function and deviation in the assessment of kinetic parameters in realistic TLD-100 behavior using fully-connected neural networksBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; CORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO; ROMERO SALIDO, ALVARO
11-dic-2023Green synthesis, structural and luminescent characterization of BaZrO3:Eu3+ nanoparticlesCORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO; BENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO
11-dic-2023Identification of defect centers responsible for thermoluminescence emission in sol-gel synthesized calcium silicate phosphorBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO
23-nov-2023Numerical analysis of the irradiation and heating processes of thermoluminescent materialsBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; GOMEZ ROS, JOSE MARIA; ROMERO GUTIERREZ, ANA MARIA
11-dic-2023Preliminary study on the thermally stimulated luminescence characterization of UVC and beta irradiated tridymiteBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; CORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO
11-dic-2023Synthesis and thermoluminescence of Ce-doped CaF2 phosphor: Study of defect centers responsible for the TL emission by EPR analysisBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO
11-dic-2023Thermoluminescence behavior of Ce3+ doped lanthanum tri-borate phosphor for dosimetry applicationsBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; CORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO
11-dic-2023Thermoluminescence glow curve analysis and kinetic parameters of Eu doped Li2MoO4 ceramic phosphorsCORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO; BENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO
20-nov-2023Thermoluminescence glow curve deconvolution for discrete and continuous trap distributionsBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; GOMEZ ROS, JOSE MARIA; ROMERO GUTIERREZ, ANA MARIA
11-dic-2023Thermoluminescence-based simplified criteria for the detection of irradiated sesame seeds using artificial intelligence methodsBENAVENTE CUEVAS, JOSE FRANCISCO; CORRECHER DELGADO, VIRGILIO
Mostrando resultados 1 a 11 de 11


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